Ear Aesthetics

Some spend their lives wandering with open hair, some have to deal with cynical phrases like scoop or sailing ear, while others even try to lay their ears back with glue. Scoop ears are defined as one of the deformities that affect human psychology most negatively in the body.


Prominent ear is the most common ear deformity, deformity, in society. People of almost all ages resort to specialists with this problem. It can be considered as the deformity that disrupts one's psychology more than other aesthetic problems. They are subject to many jokes in childhood, family elders or school friends joke with children with a scoop ear. Although it is often overlooked, it can affect a person's psychology even in older age.

It is recommended to treat the scoop ear before school age in order not to spoil the psychology of children in the following years. Since most of the ear development has been completed by this time, there is no harm in performing the ear ear operation in the early period. General anesthesia in children is performed with local anesthesia with adult patients.


Thanks to the estrogens that pass into the circulation of the child while in the mother's womb, the ear can be shaped during the newborn period. In the early period, plastic surgeons can bring ears closer to the head with special ear bands, and the appearance of the ear can be reduced.

Cartilage structure is very complex and 3D. The thinness of the skin, its features and the shape of the cartilage are very important. There are several structural causes of prominent ear formation. The cartilage in the prominent ear may be weak, there may not be ear folds in some areas in the interior or the hollow part called “concha” inside the ear may be dislocated. The presence of one of these factors manifests itself in different ways. The applied surgical treatment is applied to the problem in order to obtain a more natural result after the analysis of the current deformity.


Prominent ear operation is a procedure that takes 1-1.5 hours. Although many methods are applied; The method we use is based on the principle of shaping the cartilage with the approach behind the ear and removing the excess cartilage if necessary and reshaping the ear.

After the operation, the head area is bandaged for 1 day, and in pediatric patients it is desirable to use a special tape for 2 days. If the patient is adult and can protect his ear, nothing different is recommended. The swellings descend in about 1 week. The procedure to be performed for each patient is different, and the prominent ear surgery is not a standard operation. Whatever disorder the person has, a treatment is applied in this direction.


Once the bumps have gone down, the person can use their ears comfortably and even women can wear earrings. The most common complaint in adult women who apply to us for scoop ear surgery is to not be able to collect their hair. After the operation, patients usually come to their controls by collecting their hair or making a bun. This is a sign of how much prominent ear surgery increases self-confidence.


Ear cartilage is a tissue that is very prone to infection. Serious problems may arise if there is an infection. It is important to carry out scoop ear operations under sterile conditions and expert hands.


The prominent ear is the angle of the ear with the head more than normal. Along with the scoop ears, we can also encounter large ears compared to the head. We cut the cartilage section behind the ear and in front of it by making an incision at certain points and reshape the ear. We also get very successful results in ear reduction operations.

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