Rhinoplasty Surgery

Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure in which the form of the nose is reconstructed. Nose is among the most prominent features of the face. For this reason, it would be quite difficult for a person to avoid in their daily life any feeling of discontent they have for their own nose. Such a situation which the person is not pleased with, or which is not welcomed by the other people connected to that person will also have a negative impact on the person’s self-esteem, their psychological condition, and their social and occupational status. That is exactly why rhinoplasty (nasal plastic operation) is the plastic aesthetics intervention that is most frequently performed.

It is possible to reduce or increase the size of your nose and to change the shape of the nose tip or the nasal hump with rhinoplasty. You can narrow the nostrils or modify the angle between your upper lip and your nose by rhinoplasty. In addition, rhinoplasty can correct a congenital defect or the impacts of a trauma or help to resolve breathing problems.

How should the ideal nasal operation be?

The nose to be achieved after an ideal nasal operation should fit the person’s face completely and it should not be far different from a natural look that reflects the personal characteristics. Rather than achieving ideal aesthetic dimensions, rhinoplasty aims to avoid an appearance which obviously reflects the fact that the person has undergone an operation.

Which one is more important, the look or the function?

The most important functions of the nose are breathing and smelling. Since it is a functional organ, we do not desire a disruption in the breathing function after the nasal operation.

The function of breathing should be preserved in nasal aesthetics, and if there are nasal deviations which obstruct breathing, they should definitely be corrected during the same operation.

Who needs rhinoplasty?

The patients who demand a rhinoplasty usually consult us with aesthetical concerns. Nevertheless, rhinoplasty can also be performed with reconstructive purposes in order to resolve congenital nasal problems and breathing problems.

Is there an age limit for rhinoplasty?

Age is an important factor in scheduling a rhinoplasty operation. In general, we prefer to delay the operation for adolescents until the growing process is completed (which corresponds to the ages of 16-18 for girls and a little older for boys). It is essential to consider the social and emotional situation of the adolescents and pay attention to their own demands rather than their parents’.

Who are unqualified for rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty may not always be very successful with those patients with too thick and oily skin and with weak cartilage. As the skin gets thicker and loses its elasticity with old age, the results may not be as successful as expected for old patients.

What is done in a pre-operative assessment?

Determining a plan for the patient before the operation and clearly identifying the existing problems constitute the prior conditions for a successful operation. Multiple meetings should be conducted if necessary, and a common denominator should be found considering the patient’s demands and what the physician can do. The planned result should definitely be in conformity with the patient’s expectations so that the patient is satisfied with the new form of their nose.

Should I be cautious about anything before the operation?

You should definitely inform us about the nasal operations you have undergone, no matter how many years ago and the accidents and injuries that made an impact on your nose. Besides, you should also inform us about possible allergies and breathing difficulties. It is essential that you report all the medications and vitamins you take. In addition, please do not hesitate to report us if you are a smoker or if you use any other substances.

Which physicians can perform rhinoplasty operations?

Rhinoplasty operations can be performed by Aesthetic Plastic Surgery specialists and Otorhinolaryngologists (Ear-Nose-Throat (ENT) specialists). While the Aesthetic Plastic Surgery specialists examine the nose mainly in terms of aesthetics and plan the operation accordingly, ENT specialists examine it mainly in terms of the anatomy of airways.

Where is rhinoplasty performed?

Rhinoplasty operations are performed in the surgery room of a fully equipped hospital.

Will I need to be anesthetized for rhinoplasty?

Yes, we perform rhinoplasty operations under general anesthesia.

Is rhinoplasty a risky operation?

As long as the operation is performed by an aesthetic surgery specialist, complications occur rarely and they are generally insignificant. Nevertheless, complications such as infection, nasal bleeding or reaction to anesthesia may be encountered. It should be noted that every surgical operation bears a certain life-threatening risk.

How long does a rhinoplasty operation last?

A rhinoplasty operation generally takes 3-4 hours, but more extensive procedures may take longer.

What kind of a procedure is performed during rhinoplasty?

In this surgery, nasal skin is separated from the nasal skeleton that consists of the bones and the cartilage, and then these structures are reshaped as desired. The nature of this reshaping depends on the problem you have and the technique decided by your surgeon. At the end of the procedure, the skin lifted from the nose is placed on the reshaped structure. There may be a minor incision on the structure that separates the nostrils, namely columella, and this scar will fade within a month.

We usually perform rhinoplasty from inside the nose and make the incisions inside the nostrils.

Is it possible to use cartilage taken from some other part of the body?

In general, the cartilage located inside the nose will be adequate to reshape the nose. In some special cases, for example, if the cartilage inside the nose is not adequate due to previous operations or traumas, cartilage can be taken from the ear or the ribs.

Will I need to stay in the hospital after the operation?

After rhinoplasty operations, patients can generally return home on the same day.

Is rhinoplasty a painful procedure?

Your face may look swollen, your nose may ache and you may have a feeling of fullness in your head after the surgery, especially within the following twenty-four hours. The painkillers you receive will ensure to control any kind of discomfort you may feel.

Will I need to use a ice-pack after the operation?

If approved by the surgeon, ice-pack may not be applied after the surgery. A bandage is applied upon the completion of the surgery in order to ensure that your nose maintains its new form. In order to immobilize the septum -the wall that divides the airways in the nose- soft silicone supports (splints) may be placed within your nostrils. These splints will be removed in a few days, after which you will feel a lot more comfortable.

Should I be cautious about anything after rhinoplasty?

You will observe that the swelling and the bruises around your eyes will first grow and reach a peak in two to three days. You can reduce swelling by applying cold compresses and thereby feel a little better. Swelling and bruises will largely get better in two to three weeks. A little swelling noticeable to you only may remain for a few months.

Frequently, an insubstantial amount of blood leaks for the first few days after the surgery and you may feel fullness in your nose for a few weeks. For few weeks following the procedure, while the tissues heal, it may be necessary to avoid blowing your nose.

After a week to 14 days, all the bandages and stitches will be removed.

When can I get back to my normal life?

Majority of the patients who undergo rhinoplasty feel good in a few days and they can start doing those kinds of work that do not require physical effort or they can return to school or work in about a week. However, it will take a few weeks for you to completely turn back to your previous condition.

You will need to resume your ordinary activities gradually. You will probably be recommended to avoid challenging activities (running, swimming, bending down and sexual intercourse – any activity which can increase your blood pressure) for 2-3 weeks. You should protect your nose against strokes, rubbing, and sunburn for 8 weeks. You should be gentle while washing your face or hair and using cosmetic products.

You can start to use contact lenses as early as you can but the situation is a little different with glasses. After the splint is removed, you will need to have your glasses attached to your forehead or supported on your cheeks until your nose completely heals.

For a few months following the procedure, we will ask to see you from time to time in order to assess your recovery process. If you experience unordinary symptoms between these visits or have questions regarding what you should and should not do, please do not hesitate to call us.

What kinds of adverse situations may I experience after rhinoplasty?

After the surgery, the burst capillary vessels may appear as thin and red spots on the surface of your skin. When rhinoplasty is performed from inside the nose, no visible scar tissue (operation mark) is formed; on the other hand, when the “open” technique is used or when wide nostrils need to be narrowed, minor scars -which are generally indistinguishable- are formed on the nasal base.

What does nasal collapse mean?

In some cases, the tip of the patient’s nose may remain bent downwards after swellings related to the operation decline. Nasal collapse should not occur as long as the operation is performed properly.

When will I enjoy my new appearance?

During the first few days following the surgery, with a still bruised and swollen face, you may easily forget that you will look better soon. Actually, so many patients feel depressed for some time following the plastic surgery intervention –which is quite a natural and understandable situation.

However, you should relax and be sure that this phase will be over soon. Day by day the appearance of your nose and your mood will improve. In a few weeks, you will look as if you have not undergone any operation.

Nevertheless, healing is a gradual process. A slight swelling may remain for months especially on the tip of the nose. You may need about a year in order to enjoy the exact result of rhinoplasty.

Will I need a second nasal operation?

In about one of ten cases, a second operation may be needed in order to correct a minor problem. It is not possible to foresee such cases, and a second operation may be necessary even for those patients who have been operated by the most experienced surgeons. The second operation which is performed with the aim of correction is generally a minor intervention.

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