Middle Ear Diseases


It is a common discomfort. The sound heard may be intermittent or continuous; it can be widely heard in one ear, both ears, or inside the head. The tone of the sound can be in the form of a thick humming, or in the form of a fine ringing. Before applying any treatment, examinations for the cause of tinnitus should be performed and evaluated by an ENT specialist.


It is the name given to microbial inflammation of the middle ear part consisting of eardrum and ossicles. It can be in one or both ears. The most commonly diagnosed disease in children who go to the doctor for examination is otitis media. About one third of all children develop middle ear infections until their first three years of age. Middle ear infections are also the most common cause of hearing loss in children. Although it is common in children, it can also be seen in adults. It is often seen at the beginning of winter and spring. Most often, germs that enter the mouth or nose and reach the middle ear through the Eustachian tube are caused. In situations such as flu, flu, allergies, sinusitis or colds, the eustachian tube also swells and clogs, so air cannot pass into the middle ear and the middle ear cannot be cleaned. During inflammation, ear pain, reddened eardrum, hair gathering on the back of the membrane are observed.

LIQUID accumulation in the middle ear

Fluid accumulation in the middle ear is usually due to poor functioning of the eustachian tube carrying air from the nasal to the middle ear and untreated otitis media. It is often seen in children with enlarged and inflamed adenoid. Sometimes the eardrum is pierced, and inflammation in the middle ear flows out of the ear. However, as the eustachian tube cannot be opened mostly, ear discharge accumulates in the middle ear. This is called "fluid accumulation in the middle ear" and it often takes a continuous form. After painful, febrile otitis media has passed, this fluid can remain here for weeks, months or even years. Even worse, the presence of fluid can cause microbes to multiply comfortably here, causing frequent otitis media. If fluid accumulation in the ear continues despite treatment, the doctor may recommend surgical treatment, that is, tube insertion, to remove fluid in the middle ear.


Moist mold after entering the ear canal in bath or water is an inflammation caused by the reproduction of microbes. It is generally seen in those with external ear eczema, those who damage their ears with cotton swabs, and those who enter chemicals in the ear canal. Antibiotic ear drops are sufficient for mild external otitis media. With proper treatment, otitis media usually heals within 7-10 days.


Deep in the ear canal is the eardrum that separates the outer ear and the middle ear. The eardrum is a thin structure that vibrates when sound waves come on it, and behind the middle ear is an air-containing cavity. Perforation of the eardrum mostly depends on infections or injuries. The severity of hearing loss is related to the size of the hole in the eardrum. Also, the location of the hole in the eardrum affects the degree of hearing loss. Success in eardrum repair varies depending on the size and location of the hole in the eardrum.


The presence of the skin layer covering the ear canal and the outer part of the eardrum in the middle ear is called "cholesteatoma". It mostly develops due to chronic otitis media. The cholesteatoma sac in the middle ear expands over time and begins to damage the surrounding bones and the structures protected by the bones. In cholesteatomas that can cause facial paralysis, it is necessary to relax the nerve and wait for its function to improve over time by removing the pressure on the facial nerve. If cholesteatomas damage the inner ear, balance and hearing functions of the ear are generally not improved.


It is an ear-only bone disease that causes calcification around the stirrup bone. The liming focus, which prevents the stirrup bone from vibrating freely, prevents the sound from being transmitted to the inner ear. Otosclerosis is more common in young-middle-aged women. It is a genetic disease. Otosclerosis occurs in both ears in most patients.


It is an abnormal sensation that can occur as a result of a disorder occurring in any of the systems that provide balance. Dizziness can be felt in different shapes and intensity. Hearing loss, tinnitus, feeling of fullness in the ear, double vision, reading difficulty, headache, impaired consciousness, according to the system affected by the disease that causes nausea, vomiting, weakness, darkening of the eyes, sweating, and sweating along with dizziness. complaints such as feelings, loss of strength can also be seen.