Snoring & Sleep Apnea


Snoring and Sleep Apnea Syndrome: When there is a stenosis in the airway behind the mouth and nose, the soft tissues around it during vibration cause a noisy sound called snoring. As the contraction increases, the severity of snoring increases.

If snoring does not cause sleep splitting, it is usually harmless and is called simple snoring. However, it can lead to fatigue and weakness the next day. It occurs especially in the supine position. Simple snoring often negatively affects social life.

However, if there are breathing interruptions with snoring, this is called sleep apnea, and it may be the harbinger of these serious health problems. In this case, one should apply to the sleep laboratory and determine the size and health of snoring. Approximately five out of 100 people are predicted to have sleepy breathing with severe snoring, and therefore a disease called obstructive sleep apnea syndrome.


  • Being overweight

  • Hospitalization position

  • Alcohol

  • Sinusitis

  • Stuffy nose

  • Anatomical disorders such as nasal curvature (septum deviation)

  • Weakness of tongue and throat muscles, wide tongue root, high upper palate

  • Tonsil, nasal meat

  • Long soft palate and / or small tongue

  • Allergic rhinitis

Snoring Treatment

If it does not cause breathing irregularities during sleep, it can be alleviated or corrected by simple measures. Among them; losing weight, lying on the side, staying away from alcohol, exercising regularly, avoiding heavy eating at least 3 hours before sleep, adjusting the head of the bed higher.

If snoring is caused by allergies, adenoids, infections, etc., the underlying diseases are treated. In anatomical disorders such as septal deviation, necessary surgery is applied.

Surgery may be required to expand the air passage area or to shrink the narrowing elements if there is a breathless sleep during sleep. Among the surgical options, the most applied method is UPPP (Uvulo-Palato-Farengo-Plasti). Small tongue is made to reduce the excess of soft tissues in the upper respiratory tract, such as a soft palate, and to stretch the tissues. Different methods such as suspending the language, radiofrequency applications to the root of the tongue, and chin surgeries are becoming more and more common. Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) device is a good treatment option in obstructions in patients who are accompanied by advanced apnea but cannot undergo surgery.


Sleep apnea is breathing in breath for 10 seconds and longer while you are asleep. This situation is followed by severe snoring and breathing. If the number of breath breaks during sleep is more than five per hour, there is obstructive type of sleep apnea syndrome. As a result of sleep breathing pauses, the amount of oxygen in the blood decreases and the amount of carbon dioxide increases. Sleep apnea can lead to very serious consequences, up to death.


Obstruction can occur anywhere along the upper respiratory tract, from the nose to the epiglottis, by excessive tissues in the upper respiratory tract occluding the respiratory tract. The upper respiratory tract lesions that can be corrected by surgery are classified below.

  • Septum deviation, turbinate hypertrophy, polyp, tumor, cyst

  • Obesity

  • Tonsil

  • Sleeping drugs, antihistamines

  • Alcohol

  • Winter, stenosis in the nasopharynx,

  • Soft palate laxity, small tongue length

  • Craniofacial anomalies, structural disorders of the jaw

  • Neuromuscular causes

It can be counted as laryngopharyngeal reflux.


  • Breathing in sleep

  • Sleepiness during the day

  • Morning fatigue

  • Distraction, impaired concentration, sexual anorexia

  • Heart problems and hypertension

  • Memory problems

  • Noisy snoring

  • Sleep interruption observed by another person, sudden awakenings, frequent wiggling during sleep, returning Headache

  • Sweating and chest pain during sleep

  • Waking up with dry mouth and sore throat

  • Being drowning while sleeping, being out of breath


Definitive diagnosis in sleep apnea is made by performing the so-called "polygraphic examination" in sleep laboratories (Polysomnography Laboratory).

In addition, the location and degree of airway obstruction is determined by the Sleep Endoscopy method. In the method, the patient is put to sleep, accompanied by a monitor (BIS - Bispectral Index) following the sleep level of the brain, is entered through the nostrils with an endoscope. It takes between 10 and 20 minutes. Sleep endoscopy results are evaluated in a healthy way by evaluating the results of polysomnography and the results of other examinations.


Being sleepy during the day is not much observed in children. Snoring is available. Oral breathing, frequent illness, frequent waking, sweating, bed-wetting, failure in classes are also among the symptoms in children.


The definitive diagnosis in sleep apnea is based on the examination of so-called "polysomnographic examination" in sleep laboratories.

Kıbrıs Burun Estetiği (Rinoplasti)

Medipark Kliniği, Mağusa

Cerrahi Estetik, Ameliyat, Operasyon

Kıbrıs KBB, Botoks ve Yüz Dolgusu Tedavi İşlemleri

Kıbrıs, Kulak Burun Boğaz, Baş Boyun Cerrahisi

Mustafa Balcıoğlu

Burun estetiği konusunda deneyimli doktor

Rinoplasti doktoru

Rinoplasti uzmanı

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